Progressive Yamhill’s members are using various organizations such as PFLAG, Wine County Pride and Chehalem Cultural Center to fund and host Gay Pride events with activities designed to encourage children to attend.
In McMinnville, organizers of Wine County Pride and Rainbow Quest are hosting events throughout the entire month, many of which target children.

In Newberg, the local organization PFLAG (which is ran by Progressive Yamhill members) is hosting an event at the Chehalem Cultural Center (which is controlled by Progressive Yamhill members) on June 24th from 12 to 4 PM. The flyer advertises a kid’s bike ride, face painting and “library books”, which means that the City of Newberg’s Public Library staff are also supporting and participating in this event, too. Which makes sense because Newberg Library Director is Korie Jones Buerkle , a member of Progressive Yamhill.

Please take notice the flyer mentions a “special guest performance”; this is most likely to be a drag queen performance in front of the Chehalem Cultural Center building, in view of children attendees.
Make no mistake; adult oriented gay pride events that entice children to participate in what is undeniably an event that is solely about a common interest in sexual fetishes put kids into contact with potential abusers. In a recent example, last year Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene, Oregon hosted events where underage minors not only watched adults perform but also were allowed to perform for adults while in drag. Despite protests from those in the Eugene community the organizers and local media dismissed the criticism as just “bigotry”. However one of the people involved with drag queen shows, Kelsey Meta Boren, was recently found guilty of distributing child pornography and other child abuse crimes. Boren, who also worked for the Fern Ridge School District, acted as a “drag mom” for an 11 year old drag queen who performed at Old Nick’s Pub. This proves that Old Nick’s Pub activities did in fact put minors into contact with at least one pedophile who used the event to gain contact with children.
Even in Newberg, Progressive Yamhill members hosted a drag queen show at Progressive Yamhill member Kristen Stoller’s dance studio, Chehalem Valley Dance Academy, where a high school boy performed in drag for adults.
So, it is important to know who in our community supports and encourages children attending these events and enable grooming. While some people believe that Pride Day events that feature activities for children is not grooming, the reality is that the ONLY thing that Gay Pride Day and Gay Pride Month events are about is celebrating adults enjoyment of sexual fetishes and lifestyles that revolve around sexual fetishes. That is the sole purpose of the events, which is why at Gay Pride events you see sexualize imagery and people walking around in sexual fetish attire such as lingeri and BDSM bondage clothing, and often even carrying sex toys openly in public view. These are not unusual things at a Gay Pride event, they are commonplace.
And the organizers of these local events target children. With Wine County Pride, as I exposed in a prior article, they host drag queen shows for children, create “kid” events like face painting and bike rides, and produce marketing materials using Barbie dolls to make the events appeal to children and get them to want to attend so they can be introduced to perverts that may exploit them.
As a recent example, here is Visit McMinnville (a nonprofit funded by the City of McMinnville) advertising Rainbow Quest (a bar hopping event for gay people) and the Pride County Pride event using Barbie dolls. The citizens of McMinnville’s tax dollars are being used to fund grooming.
Additionally, this ad features City of McMinnville Mayor Remy Drabkin advertising her winery in it, which means McMinnville city tax dollars also went to subsidizing the marketing for the mayor’s private business and is a key motivation for her to have created the Wine County Pride Festival to begin with.
Remy Drabkin is a member of Progressive Yamhill, as I previously exposed in prior articles.
Here is the list of the “team” for Rainbow Quest / Wine Country Pride, from their own website,

The organizers listed are ,
- Remy Drabkin, Mayor of McMinnville and owner of Remy Wines.
- John Peterson and Zach Goff, co-owners of Pollinate Flowers in Newberg.
- Jacob Sembler, Fayetta Vineyard.
- KC Marold, Winderlea Vineyard and Catapult Consulting.
- Kristen Stoller, owner of Chehalem Valley Dance Academy.
- Diane Longaker, Board Director for Newberg PFLAG and employed by YCAP as Community Engagement Manager for Juliette’s House, a “Child Abuse Intervention Center”.
- Sara Linnertz, a former Newberg school counselor and one of the founding members of PFLAG Newberg.
- “Janet”, who is so very transparent her full name is not included on the website page.
While they have not published their list of 2023 sponsors, Wine County Pride’s list of 2022 Sponsors who provide funding to their events include Stoller Wine Group, First Federal Bank, Earnest Real Estate, Pollinate Flowers, Sokol Blosser Winery, Casa S. Winery, Fayetta Vineyard, The Bindery, Left by West, Community Plate, Eminent Domaine, Magnolia Management, Westrey Wine Company, Mac Market, Hunter Communications, Willamette Valley Wineries Association and Baker Street Realtors.
As a reminder, I have made the lists of Progressive Yamhill and it’s subgroup Newberg Equity in Education (NEEd) members available in spreadsheets which can be downloaded from the links below. The lists were created in August 2020, based on their Facebook group membership rosters. It should be noted that the groups have increased in size since I created this list, so it is by no means a complete list of all their current members.
Lynette Shaw and Megan Corvus are co-founders of Progressive Yamhill, with both Shaw and Corvus orchestrating a lot of the PY member’s subgroups activities as part of the Indivisible national organization. Megan Corvus is the Secretary for the Yamhill County Democrats chapter, and others officers of the YCDP are also members of Progressive Yamhill. Progressive Yamhill is also a registered chapter of Indivisible, a far left extremist group who believes the USA is an illegitimate country that stole land from Native American tribes. Indivisible operatives believe the USA is an inherently racist homophobic country and use this belief to justify their activities. I have also exposed other anti-government Marxist organization efforts by Progressive Yamhill, including their defund the police activism activities, in this article.
While all of this sounds outlandish, it is undeniably true. Even Oregon Board of Education Chair Guadalupe Martinez Zapata, a member of Progressive Yamhill and a Newberg resident, openly ranted about dismantling and replacing the USA inside the PY Facebook group, to much applause from the members.
After investigating Progressive Yamhill for the past three years it is my belief the goal of Indivisible and other similar groups they work with is to cause a societal collapse so that the USA’s republic structure will be replaced with Marxist city-states. Their rhetoric is designed to make it seem like legalizing dangerous drugs, permitting homelessness, defunding police and laxing penalties for crimes, in addition to disrupting the basic building block of society, stable traditional families with pseudo-scientific gender identity ideologies, are intended to have the cumulative effect of convincing people that capitalism and democracy doesn’t work so they can pave the way for replacing it with Marxism. They target children with their rhetoric because children do not know enough about the world to refute their claims and so are easily indoctrinated into supporting this. In fact, one member of the Progressive Yamhill group, Tai Harden Moore, co-authored a manifesto submitted to the City of Portland detailing how to turn the city into a Marxist ‘black utopia’ which asked for the creation of racial segregated communities where people of different ethnicities govern only those of the same skin color.
Read For Yourself What Defenders of the Gay Pride Events Say
The Newberg Gay Pride event was posted by the PFLAG Newberg Facebook Page into a local Facebook group, Yamhill County Community News and Discussion. You can read the full thread by clicking here, but below I have embedded an archive of the criticism and responses from Progressive Yamhill members to that criticism.

I have included the list of people who ‘loved’ and ‘liked’ this post.

(The Nature Magazine article I linked to can be read for yourself here. It is important to note the study quoted in the articles they posted is the same study in the article I quoted from. The difference is the articles they cited had incredibly misleading headlines, as I explained in my rebuttal to them.
In their conclusion of the paper, some researchers suggested while they could identify no specific gene or set of genes that were linked directly to being homosexual, the researchers hypothesized that genes which may encourage more risky sexual behavior could be responsible for homosexual behavior. However this is an anti-scientific suggestion with no rational, evidence basis as the researchers admit in the same paper that less than 1% of those surveyed who said they engaged in homosexual behavior have any gene mutations the researchers hypothesized might encourage risky sexual behaviors. In fact, the paper provides no evidence that any genes found in any respondents are associated with risky sexual behavior. Science requires evidence to prove claims to be true, and the paper provides no evidence for it.
What the paper does provide evidence for is there being no evidence of genetic commonalities between homosexual people which could explain the behavior, and that means any claim that homosexuality is genetic is a false. )

Finally, we come to Lynette Shaw unleashing a barrage of verbal diarrhea as a desperate effort to discredit me for daring to call her and others out on organizing an event designed to put children into contact with groomers and indoctrinate them into an ideology that puts them at risk of being sexually exploited by adults,

Progressive Yamhill, Indivisible and other groups who help fund them may seem powerful but groups are people. The individual people can be held responsible for the activities they do. People can call them out for their unethical and evil behavior, for trying to exploit children and put them at risk.
Learn to recognize and identify the people responsible for these grooming activities. Call them out on their bad conduct and do not provide them support. That is the only way to combat their activities. Don’t let your kids be influenced by those that seek to exploit them or who defend those that do. Otherwise, they will continue to gain influence and succeed in exploiting children.
Thanks , Carey ! Isn’t there supposed to be a parade and other events in Newberg June 24 or 25 ? Did Mayor Rosacker proclaim June as Pride Month , like his predecessor ??
Okay , I just saw it on your post .